Minecraft Servers

Over the past 6 or 7 years I have ran two Minecraft Server’s.


The first server was Aztril. It was ran off a Ubuntu Server running on a junk computer in my living room, using wifi… Our modem/router were also turned off at night, so in turn the server would go down.

While not the best server in terms of on time and reliability, it had a hand crafted map that I made in World Painter. It also had multiple quality plugins in addition to plugin’s that I created myself.

Due to the hardware I ran it on, its up time and the little time I had to dedicate to it I had to shut Aztril down. Though, even with its massive down time and lack of quality, still had a small loyal player base, some of which would return for my second server Astria.

The original Wix website for Aztril no longer exists however its Planet Minecraft page still exists. Link.


Astria was my second Minecraft Server. It was ran on a Google Compute Engine. Was up 24/7 and had a roughly 50/50 split on Plugins from Spigot and plugins Coded by me. Astria was shut down on 12/16/2020.

The Main Focus of Astria was Enhanced Vanilla Survival. Later on it become Enhanced Game play focused on improving and adding new mechanics and features to survival. Finlay I started to add magic items to Astria.

However I decided to shut Astria down. This was due to the lack of player’s and the direction Microsoft is taking Minecraft. Though in part, its also due to my changing prioritizes, hobbies, school load, and projects.

More info on Astria Can be found here; Website, Forums, Planet Minecraft.

Last Thoughts

My goal was to run a third server after I shut down Astria, at least before the change in direction Minecraft is being taken by Microsoft. However now I will no longer be making a new Minecraft server.

Minecraft was fun, and while I can I will still enjoy playing it. Hopefully new games will be released (like Hytale) that will build on Minecraft’s Legacy. I am interested in Hytale and may one day run a Hytale server. Though at that time I may be busy running and managing servers for the games I plan on one day creating.

Thanks for the great Memory’s Minecraft and all the of the wonderful people I met.